But Easier.
With AutoMentor's proprietary automation workflows, we have removed all the barriers most Agency Owner's face when recruiting new agents.
Meet the best employee you've ever had: AutoMentor
With a combined decade of experience in both automation and recruiting - we are on the cutting edge of how to move applicants
automations run
applicant conversion
Applicant Sourcing
We find the candidates for you. All you have to do is interview them. No more messing with managing ads and recruiting platforms.
Managed Onboarding
Virtually assisted onboarding videos, reminders, recaps, and prompts keep your applicants moving without your attention.
Automated Licensing
Video tutorials, detailed SMS instructions, and ongoing "warm-touch" messages - give our users their time back for things that move their business.
Interactive training
AutoMentor integrates with your agency's training platform to provide a high-tech, seamless transition from "new hire" to "top performer".
AutoMentor integrates with your agency's tracking / analytic software to provide real-time data feeds that can give you a direct pulse into your agency's performance.
Applicant to booking
Interview show-factor
Average time in licensing
Average contracted to writing agent
Constant contact to nurture your applicants
Initial booking drip (28 days)
Automated appointment reminders
Custom instructional videos
Integrated licensing tracker
Mentorship checkpoint scheduling
Weekly activity reporting
Stop using your personal cell-phone to interact with your clients. Our built-in phone / sms line includes a automated voicemail box and AI sms response.
Never miss an applicant contact
With call forwarding and BOTH an iOS / Android app, you are never out of touch with your candidates.
Mass Messaging
Have a conference call to remind your team of? Create custom groups of applicants to invite via bulk SMS